Welcome to Qstarz Download Center !
Thank You for choosing Qstarz. For your enjoyment of your Qstarz product, we provide latest driver, software and user's manual.
If you have any technical problems, please feel free to contact our Support Team.
*For dual software users: PC Suite, please refer to PC Suite for new update of QTravel.
*Firmware download is only available for model LT-Q6000
*Files with rar extension are compressed by WinRar archiver. Please go to WinRar official website for a free trial. www.rarlab.com
♦ The failure of the firmware update will cause the device irreparable damage.
Before update the latest firmware, please make sure that the battery capacity is over 50% and the back cover is installed.
♦ Some models has the GPS Week Number Rollover (WNRO) issue, please check the reference page. https://qws.qstarz.com/WNRO/
Utility |
Driver |

QTravel v1.55.003 for Windows

QMileage v1.28.000 for Windows

DataViewer V3.02.100 for Windows

For Windows XP/ VISTA / Win7 / Win10 |

Quick Start Guide EN Ver. D

QMileage Quick Start